21 Responses to I’m a scientist, and there are fantastic kids out there

  1. Jennifer Rohn says:

    Congratulations, Stephen – it sounds utterly exhausting but very worthwhile.

  2. vishal kalel says:

    Congratulations Mad Scientist..

    First of all this was a very very long post and second thing It is my first post which I read entirely word by word without losing even a bit of interest.. 🙂
    I was literally feeling your exhilaration in your words.
    Fortunate are those kids who get the chance to talk to all mad scientists.
    Waiting for your finished film..

  3. Stephen Curry says:

    Thanks Jenny and Vishal.
    My goodness – it is long, isn’t it? But the fortnight of the competition was even longer!

  4. Lou Woodley says:

    Congratulations again, Stephen and thanks for writing up your experiences of the competition. I tried to keep up with the Imaging Zone and occassionally managed to dip into the others during the fortnight and was really impressed at the commitment that you all showed to answering so many questions. It’s been fantastic to see an engagement project have such a positive impact and make good use of the online environment – I’m very interested to see how the competition evolves now as well as to see/hear all about your full-length film.

  5. Clare Dudman says:

    Congratulations, Stephen – that sounds like a brilliant idea. And I have to say that in the spot the difference photos you outginger Ms Gillan, no contest.

  6. Stephen Curry says:

    Cheers Lou – There are probably a few more thoughts and impressions rattling around in there but that was what spewed out yesterday afternoon. More processing power needed.
    I think it is a brilliant conception (props to Sophia Collins) and was superbly well run by Gallomanor. There were a few small technical issues that were either dealt with during the two weeks or are likely to be addressed before the next one kicks off. It’s already amazing and can only get better in my opinion.
    And thanks Clare, for that vote of confidence in my gingerness! 😉

  7. Benoit Bruneau says:

    Congratulations! Two questions: 1. did you manage to answer all questions correctly, or did you have to wing it? 2. will there be a post-contest scandal a la “Big Brother”?

  8. Stephen Curry says:

    Ha, ha – thanks Benoit.
    1. No comment – I did my best (using lashings of Wikipedia!). Though it did help me I think that I had started in physics and migrated to life sciences while maintaining a healthy interest in the history of the subject. And that I’m quite old, with 25 yrs of sciencey anecdotes to my credit!
    2. The very existence of Big Brother is a scandal never mind the shenanigans that goes on before, during or after it. The only good thing to come out of Big Brother is the fact that it was an inspiration for I’m a scientist, get me out of here!. 😉

  9. Åsa Karlström says:

    It’s a great story Stephen! I hope that many more scientists will take the challenge and communicate with school kids. It sounds like it was fun, although time consuming of course. I’d hope that they make the feed back from the longer quesitons better – I’d be interested to know what the questioners thought about my longer answers (if I had written them).
    Now, it’s only to look forward to the full-lenght movie 😉 I predict, it’s gonna be a blast!!

  10. vishal kalel says:

    I am taking inspiration from this competition..
    I have decided to make me available for interaction with high-school kids in my city in India whenever I go there for vacations.
    (No chance in German schools.. I still jumble with guten morgan and gute nacht where my German language skills end up!)

  11. Stephen Curry says:

    Åsa – the organisers have asked for feedback from the scientist participants (and probably from the schools too, I would bet) — so I’ve no doubt it’ll be even better next time around. Watch this space for that film, though don’t hold your breath — it will take a few months to pull together.
    Vishal – I delighted to hear your plans. One of the participants — Andrew Maynard, who writes at 2020science.org — is located in the US and wondered aloud about exporting it there. You never know, maybe the organisers have plans for world domination!
    No bad thing in this case.

  12. Elizabeth Moritz says:

    Great post Stephen, it was fun following your adventure through imascientist this year!
    Also, until seeing your video and the spot-the-difference puzzle, I had no idea you were a “ginger ninja.” Your profile pic on NN makes your hair look much darker.

  13. Åsa Karlström says:

    Stephen> ahh… but it might be a good christams pressie then 😉
    (no pressure, I can totally understand the time and effort it might take to make it work. Hopefully it can be both fun, educational and a good result 🙂 )
    I think it looked like it was very well organized and I didn’t have any problems reading the questions and answers even as a third hand, which I was very happy about to be even able to do!

  14. Stephen Curry says:

    Elizabeth – believe it or not, I’m even better looking in real life…!
    Cheers Åsa – I’ll see what I can do. Good to know that you were able to follow along online (If the time had been right, I think you could have looked in on the live-chats too – did you know that?)

  15. Åsa Karlström says:

    Stephen: alas, I never got to the live chat. Not sure if it was the timing or behind a fire wall at work… but the Q&As were easy to get to. so much fun reading all the answers from the scientists. They were indeed different and that in it self was something I liked a lot! (I mean, even if they weren’t wrong, they were all written differently , which indicate a bit of variety and differences in focus 🙂 )

  16. Stephen Curry says:

    Åsa – will check about access but you could only see what was happening, I think, if you clicked on the Chat button *during* a chat session – at all other times, doing so would give you a fairly empty window.

  17. Robert Townley says:

    Congratulations Stephen, I really loved your film. It reminded me so much of the brilliant BBC series “Connections” hosted by James Burke.
    I look forward to the full length movie but I hope for your sake that the wee Currys don’t make what they’re worth or your production costs are going to exceed 500 pounds.

  18. Stephen Curry says:

    Ha, ha – cheers Rob. What a flattering comparison! I’m actually trying to model myself on Jacob Bronowski but don’t think I have the gravitas. 😉
    And I’m sure I can beat the kids into a reasonable deal!

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