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- Gandolf on An open letter to the President of the Royal Society – time to stand up for your values
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- Response to the Free Speech Union’s article on my letter to the Royal Society | Reciprocal Space on An open letter to the President of the Royal Society – time to stand up for your values
- Thomas Weiss on An open letter to the President of the Royal Society – time to stand up for your values
- Chris Kirk on An open letter to the President of the Royal Society – time to stand up for your values
- Stephen on An open letter to the President of the Royal Society – time to stand up for your values
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Tag Archives: RI Channel
Jam Yesterday
On a grey day back in October I made my way along Albemarle Street to the Royal Institution for the filming of DemoJam, a lively and light-hearted program of science produced by Jonathan Sanderson and the rest of the gang … Continue reading
Posted in Communication, Protein Crystallography, Science
Tagged RI Channel, Royal Institution, Video