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Tag Archives: Science
The Schekman Manoeuvre
This is the original version (with the original title) of an article that has been published at The Conversation. Having climbed all the way to the Nobel prize on a ladder made of Nature, Science and Cell papers, biologist Randy Schekman has … Continue reading
Posted in Open Access, Scientific Life
Tagged Cell, Impact Factors, Nature, Nobel Prize, Randy Schekman, Science
The road well trodden
Scientists should do this. Journalists should do that. And eventually we will live in a world where the media reporting of science achieves perfection. At least that is the hypothesis. The hypothesis was put to the test at the Royal … Continue reading
I’m a Scientist – making the film
Today sees the release of my new film: I’m a Scientist. It’s about scientists. Please take a look either here, or on the web-site that I have created specially for it*. The film was a long time coming. I had … Continue reading
Posted in Communication, Fun, Science, Science & Media, Scientific Life
Tagged film, Science, scientists
Libel Reform – where are we?
Regular readers of this blog will be probably be aware of the ongoing campaign to reform the libel laws of England and Wales. These laws have pernicious effects in many aspects of public life — including science and medicine. They … Continue reading
Posted in Libel Reform, Science, Science & Politics
Tagged ben goldacre, Libel reform, Parliament, Science, simon singh
Here comes Impact
In UK scientific circles and the wider realm of academia impact has been around for a while now. Grant forms incorporate large blank spaces in which applicants are required to outline their plans for ensuring that the work they hope … Continue reading
Posted in Communication, Science, Science & Politics
Tagged impact, Science, Science Policy
Biochemical Futures
The fourth edition of Voet & Voet’s Biochemistry, which is currently the recommended undergraduate text on our degree program at Imperial College, weighs three thousand and thirty-nine point two four grams. It has one thousand four hundred and eighty-two pages … Continue reading
The Best Seminar?
What is the best seminar that you have ever attended? And what made it so good? I pondered this question after my name appeared on the list of speakers for our internal divisional seminar series this term. I thought that, … Continue reading
Posted in Communication, Fun, Science
Tagged FMDV, presentation, Protein Crystallography, Science
Sun Spot
I have been working my way around the solar system with my telescope. The moon was easy to spot. And Jupiter and Saturn were not so very difficult to find, though they proved to be beyond my photographic capabilities. Over the … Continue reading
Numb or Numbered?
It just doesn’t add up: why do so many people, including scientists, get stuck on the maths problem? The subject is on my mind because it was raised at a departmental meeting last week where I tried to argue that … Continue reading
Here is a Man Who Stood Up
In many ways Travis Bickle, the disturbed taxi driver in Scorsese’s famous film, is a model of public engagement. For one thing, he really thinks about his audience. He rehearses in front of a mirror so that he will be … Continue reading
Posted in Blogging, Communication, Science
Tagged Carl Sagan, Science, Skepticism, Taxi Driver, Travis Bickle