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- Constantine on An open letter to the President of the Royal Society – time to stand up for your values
- Stephen on An open letter to the President of the Royal Society – time to stand up for your values
- Charles Palmer on An open letter to the President of the Royal Society – time to stand up for your values
- Kevin Knight on An open letter to the President of the Royal Society – time to stand up for your values
- Dr Terry Whitaker on An open letter to the President of the Royal Society – time to stand up for your values
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Tag Archives: Stevan Harnad
That was the open access week that was
A round-up of some of the issues that got an airing during Open Access (OA) Week and in the days that followed, including more rumination on the implementation and implications of the RCUK OA policy, more bad (and some good) … Continue reading
Key Questions for Open Access Policy in the UK
It’s not even two months since the tectonic plates shifted underneath academic publishing in the UK. But in the few weeks since the government’s response to the Finch report and the announcement of the new open access (OA) policy of the UK Research Councils … Continue reading