In which signaling takes the cake

Champagne in plastic cups after a successful PhD viva is still a classic, but you don’t often see labmates getting together to recreate one of your prettiest thesis figures in cake format.

Congratulations, James!

About Jennifer Rohn

Scientist, novelist, rock chick
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9 Responses to In which signaling takes the cake

  1. chall says:

    YUMMY! looks very nice 🙂

  2. Cath@VWXYNot? says:




  3. Do all the bits of the cake only assemble once you light a couple of candles on the one marked ‘Kinase’?

  4. Eva says:

    If ERK really was a blue cupcake, my entire PhD would have been SO much more delicious.

  5. rpg says:

    Austin, that’s brilliant. You’re giving me ideas now…

  6. ricardipus says:

    That is, and I believe this is the correct term, 100% AWESOMESAUCE.

    What are the licorice allsorts though? I searched PubMed before posting this question but didn’t find anything relevant.

  7. Looks like a phosphate group, maybe?

  8. Katrina says:

    As one of the co-bakers, I can confirm that it is a phosphate group!

  9. ricardipus says:

    Ah, thanks for that. My lack of signaling-fu showing through, there.

    Katrina – well done. Are you writing this collaborative effort up?

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