2019 in 31 photographs

My computer tells me I took over 3,700 photographs in 2019. Yikes!

Photos of 2019

However, I have winnowed them down to just 31, should you care to take a look. I have been fortunate this year to travel far and wide – or should I say reckless? Either way, if you click on the image above, it will take you to the album on flickr.


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2 Responses to 2019 in 31 photographs

  1. A nice set of photos, Steve – and Happy New Year! I particularly liked the quietness of the beach huts, the lamp on the blue wall (Morocco? lovely light), and the road scene with the 30 and 50 mph signs.

  2. Stephen says:

    Cheers Richard, and happy new year! Yep – the lamp was in Morocco.

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