Kenya: Where the Wild Things Are

Everyone we knew who had been on safari told us they’d had such an amazing experience that I was worried our expectations for our trip to Kenya were being set too high.

Elephants near and far walking in the Kenyan sunshine from right to left over beaten grassland

Elephants trekking across Amboseli National Park

I needn’t have been concerned. For six days we bounced and rattled in a Toyota Landcruiser driven by our knowledgeable and sharp-eyed guide, Senei, and each game drive seemed to be better than the last.

Black rhino in the Serengeti grassland with an Oxpecker hovering above

Black rhino in the grassland at the Masai Mara

I took hundreds of photographs. I had a harness that would allow me to carry two cameras, one on each side, so that I could quickly switch between their different lenses. I looked and felt a bit weird in this get-up but in the end was pleased with the flexibility it gave me.

Flamingoes at the edge of the water and in flight.

Flamingoes at Lake Nakuru

I won’t post all my picture here, though I am sorely tempted. The wonder of it all. We saw lions, elephants, giraffes, hippos, hyenas, vultures, wildebeast, water buffalo, antelope, a leopard, a serval, flamingoes, pelicans and a huge variety of other birds.

Close-up of the head of a hippopotamus in the water, resting on a friend and apparently smiling in his dreams

Happy hippo in Lake Naivasha

If I have any regrets it’s that we didn’t have more time to stand and stare. The experience of seeing so many wild animals in their native habitats made me realise how rare it is to see large, undomesticated animals in the UK. If you do, it is in ones or twos, usually darting across the road. I guess you can still see herds of wild deer in Scotland, but I never have.

Male lion with severe facial scarring looking directly at the camera.

A lion who’s been in the wars (Amboseli National Park)

The pictures here are just a taster. If you would like to see more, I have selected my top 78 and created an album on Flickr. If you are interested in seeing more than that, I have assembled a larger set that is essentially a photo-journal of our trip.

A black and orange bee hovering over the centre of a bright purple and yellow flower.

Busy bee


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