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- Stephen on An open letter to the President of the Royal Society – time to stand up for your values
- Constantine on An open letter to the President of the Royal Society – time to stand up for your values
- Stephen on An open letter to the President of the Royal Society – time to stand up for your values
- Charles Palmer on An open letter to the President of the Royal Society – time to stand up for your values
- Kevin Knight on An open letter to the President of the Royal Society – time to stand up for your values
- Dr Terry Whitaker on An open letter to the President of the Royal Society – time to stand up for your values
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Blog: Reciprocal Space Topics:science, arts, life
Tag Archives: X-rays
Australia Tour 2014
It’s funny how one thing leads to another. The video of my Friday Evening Discourse at the Royal Institution last year caught the attention of a former colleague and produced an invitation to contribute a lecture to her plans to … Continue reading
Posted in Protein Crystallography, Science
Tagged Australia, Protein Crystallography, Travel, X-rays
What’s your favourite colour?
What’s your favourite colour? Anyone who has socialised with small children will have been confronted with this serious-faced interrogation at some point. It’s the sort of question that erupts as soon as young kids learn to verbalise the jumble of … Continue reading