About Occam’s Typewriter

Occam’s Typewriter is a community project to bring together current and erstwhile scientists who like to write. We have all been blogging at various places over the years, independently and on networks. But we felt that the time was right to create an independent network, so we could all have editorial freedom yet also have the benefits of a community of bloggers.

We all have different styles, and we all like to write about non-sciencey things, as well as the scientific life. Some like to write about papers and research; others would rather take a more anthropocentric view. And some combine all of this, or would rather talk about their hobbies and their cats. It’s a real mix: what unites us is that we all are or have been practising scientists, and we can’t help but write.

Here are some details about Occam’s Typewriter:

  • We’re ad-free. Richard covers the running costs, with contributions from other Typists as they see fit.
  • We’re all editorially independent. Nobody tells us what we can or cannot write.
  • All material is posted under the copyright of the respective authors, unless an author says otherwise. In other words, all content under this domain is freely available to do what you like with, as long as you credit the author.
  • It follows that the authors take responsibility for their content. Nobody else screens or edits or otherwise meddles with what our authors publish. Therefore, if you have a problem with something published by one of Occam’s Typewriter authors, you take it up with them directly.
  • Similarly, responsibility for the content of comments is with the writer of the comment.

The main page of OT (https://occamstypewriter.org/) is an aggregated list of the latest posts from all blogs on the network. Our current membership consists of

There’s also a guest blog: The Occam’s Typewriter Irregulars.



Occam’s Typewriter was conceived and implemented by Richard P Grant, with helpful input from the Special Operations Executive—you know who you are. Thanks to Jenny Rohn for initial hosting and design ideas, and to Tony Osbourn for behind-the-scenes PHP wrangling.