Category Archives: science writing

Am I having impact?

For the last few days there has been some buzz around the non-use of Impact Factors as a criteria for the UK’s Research Excellent Framework. Richard Catlow (head of the Chemistry REF panel) put it in writing here in an … Continue reading

Posted in Impact Factor, science writing, scientific publishing | Tagged , | 2 Comments

Let me give you some advice….

on advice If I were to offer a new academic advice it would be to not be afraid to take advice from your colleagues; especially with respect to writing. I was talking to one of my collaborators the other day … Continue reading

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Enough with the criticism already

Ever wonder why scientists are odd? For the record, I don’t think scientists are really odd, any more than any group of people can be called ‘odd’, as Micheal Crichton said ‘in my experience scientists are very human people.’ Leaving … Continue reading

Posted in science communication, science writing | Tagged , | 11 Comments

Why can’t we write like other people write?

Another blog about scientific writing appeared on Friday by Adam Ruben. It contains all of the standard complaints, albeit in a humorous way, about why scientific writing is basically dull, turgid and opaque. Adam concludes that: But there’s a reason … Continue reading

Posted in NMR spectroscopy, science writing | Tagged , | 18 Comments