Ignobel behaviour

Without further comment.
Tweet from Marc Abrahams

About rpg

Scientist, poet, gadfly
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13 Responses to Ignobel behaviour

  1. Stephen says:

    Sounds absolutely disgusting. So glad I wasn’t able to attend. I’m sure I would have been horrified.


    Nauseated of Bromley.

  2. Cath@VWXYNot? says:


    All I did last night was watch hockey.

  3. Frank Norman says:

    Where is Mary Whitehouse when you need her?

  4. Stephen, I am often nauseated of Bromley.

  5. Stephen says:

    Jenny: snap! 😉

  6. Jenny Woods says:

    Was a very funny evening. Jenny Rohn’s performance did make me snort water out of my nose at one point – I think it was the mention of clamps…

  7. rpg says:

    You’re all quite mad.

  8. Cath@VWXYNot? says:

    Nice tags, btw. Maybe you should issue a challenge for people to write a cohesive, sensible blog post that incorporates all of those same terms.

  9. cromercrox says:

    In the Jardin Des Girrafes this morning I observed the two bunnies doing what bunnies do when the sap rises. They are mother and son. I distracted them with breakfast.

  10. Grant says:

    What is it with science bloggers / writers resident in England?

    Maybe you should issue a challenge for people to write a cohesive, sensible blog post that incorporates all of those same terms.

    Before I read this I did try construct a few sentences, e.g. taking the first word of each

    “bat p— c— p—”

    (Edited so that I can still earn my PG certificate.)

    Hmm. Maybe I’d better not continue down this road…! Hehe.

  11. ricardipus says:

    This is just the sort of thing that confuses the heck out of me on a Saturday morning.

  12. It is very vulgar and ordinary.

  13. Grant says:

    ricardipus, Alejandro Correa,

    I’m under the impression you are reading something *ENTIRELY* other than what I meant into my comment. For ‘collapsing’, I’m writing in the sense of ‘fainting’ – maybe that helps?

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