Scientific information in the digital age

Just a quick one.

The European Commission is consulting on scientific information in the digital age. In late 2011 they intend to adopt a Communication and Recommendation on access to and preservation of digital scientific information.

The press release says:

European researchers, engineers and entrepreneurs must have easy and fast access to scientific information, to compete on an equal footing with their counterparts across the world. Modern digital infrastructures can play a key role in facilitating access. However, a number of challenges remain, such as high and rising subscription prices to scientific publications, an ever-growing volume of scientific data, and the need to select, curate and preserve research outputs. Open access, defined as free access to scholarly content over the Internet, can help address this. Scientists, research funding organisations, universities, and other interested parties are invited to send their contributions on how to improve access to scientific information.

Meanwhile, the UK House of Commons Select Committee on Science and Technology has announced that it will be publishing its report on peer review (no custard pies) on Thursday 28 July. I rather imagine that this report will cover much of the same ground as the EC consultation is planning to.

About Frank Norman

I am a retired librarian. I spent 40 years working in biomedical research libraries.
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