Bad cover version

Ever have one of those evenings?

In the midst of following the conversation about an event at the Royal Society tonight, in which Vince Cable, Sir Paul Nurse and other luminaries discuss the future of science in the UK* (twitter tag RSvince), I saw this tweet:

RT @ProfBrianCox: Busy writing the Wonders of Life book. Its a bit tricky this biology stuff 🙂

— Alok Jha (@alokjha) July 12, 2012

I hit reply, as you do, saying that perhaps a biologist should be writing it instead. Adam Rutherford responded,

“believe me, he’s on top of it, has some sound advice.”

Awesome. So he has some sound advice. The next obvious step is for Cox to write a book on women in science, and I suggested it.

@rpg7twit I had no idea there was propriety on subject areas.

— Adam Rutherford (@AdamRutherford) July 12, 2012

I’m sure that he’ll get “some sound advice” for that too, and the irony will similarly be lost.

You read it here first.

* Apparently Cable said he wanted to talk about maintaining the ‘supremacy’ of British science without talking about money. I couldn’t have been more surprise if he’d said “I want to talk about management of pneumonia without discussing antibiotics”.

About rpg

Scientist, poet, gadfly
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4 Responses to Bad cover version

  1. Frank says:

    Maybe we could encourage Katie Price to write a book about women in science. With a little bit of help from advisors.

  2. cromercrox says:

    I’ve given up Twitter. These days I just write Post-Twit notes.

  3. cromercrox says:

    Here’s Professor Brian Cox getting down with the kids.

  4. rpg says:

    Any more of that nonsense and you’re going into permanent moderation.

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