The Deeper Meaning of a Residual Plot

This afternoon I ran an analysis of some sheep data. Being a good boy, I checked how well the model was fitting to the data, and got the following plot:

Either this means I’ve nailed the problem, or it means that the data is screwed.

About rpg

Scientist, poet, gadfly
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6 Responses to The Deeper Meaning of a Residual Plot

  1. Raf Aerts says:

    Some data? This must be all sheep in New Zealand, or the number of sheep an insomniac has to count every night.

  2. Gregor Gorjanc says:

    What are you modelling?

  3. Bob O'Hara says:

    Oh, hello Gregor!
    It’s sheep horn growth. There’s no quantitative genetics in there, I’m afraid.

  4. Richard P. Grant says:

    It’s sheep horn growth.
    I’ve just splorted Southern Comfort all over my keyboard.
    You owe me.

  5. GrrlScientist says:

    that doesn’t look like a sheep!

  6. Bob O'Hara says:

    It’s Canadian. They can be a bit odd that way.

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