A Brief Service Announcement

Sorry for not posting much, um, recently. This is partly because I’ve been busy, and also because I’ve been avoiding writing an obituary for The Beast, who died a few weeks before Christmas. In the words of Trillian, normal service will be resumed as soon as we work out what “normal” is.

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6 Responses to A Brief Service Announcement

  1. You know my position on cats, but a dear pet is a dear pet whatever the species. My condolences to you and Grrl.

  2. cromercrox says:

    So sad to hear about Jack’s passing. I hope his last moments were spent in comfort surrounded by adoring servants and pets.

  3. Sorry to hear about The Beast. Condolences to you all (you, Grrl, various and assorted pets).

  4. Bob O'H says:

    Thank you everyone for your thoughts and sympathy. We tried our best for him. *sniff*

  5. Oh no! I’m so sorry to hear that, Bob. I hope you and Grrl are doing OK. I will always remember my Twitter arguments with The Beast very fondly…

  6. Barbara Anderson says:

    Just scrolling through – Sorry to hear news, belated condolences

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