I only have 15 usable votes so far in the 2012 Comment of the Year award, despite the post having had more than 100 unique hits! Please follow the link to remedy this unacceptable situation, if you have not already done so.

As an incentive / thank you, here’s a photo of Grumpy Cat Her Maj on the new $20 bill. My friends and I have had hours minutes of fun imagining what she’s thinking; most captions so far are along the lines of “I know you’re just going to spend this on maple syrup and beer. Or possibly maple beer. Filthy Canadians”


I had to donate some of these to the local food bank to get over the guilt, judgement and shame I feel every time I spend one of them on something frivolous.

Bonus incentive: the most Vancouvery Christmas song of all time, from local band Said the Whale.

Happy Holidays, everyone! Now go and VOTE!

About Cath@VWXYNot?

"one of the sillier science bloggers [...] I thought I should give a warning to the more staid members of the community." - Bob O'Hara, December 2010
This entry was posted in Canada, drunkenness, meta, music, photos, silliness, videos. Bookmark the permalink.

5 Responses to VOTE, YOU BASTARDS!

  1. Grant says:

    re: My friends and I have had hours minutes of fun imagining what she’s thinking

    “What are you looking at me for?”

    Maple beer. That’d be sweet. (Erm. Pun intended.)

    About Vancouver snow, one of the sciblogs crowd just winged over your way* and is hoping for a white Christmas.

    * Or is still getting there; flights from NZ to just about anywhere take a while…

  2. Laurence Cox says:

    You’ve shamed me into voting! I had imagined that you would have had thousands of votes by now and my vote would not make a difference (I am used to this in public elections – I have only voted for a winning candidate once and that was only because I was casting a proxy vote for a friend who was away on holiday).

  3. Cath@VWXYNot? says:

    Grant, the maple beer was delicious! I got it as part of a sampler of four different beers, so I only had about quarter of a pint – I’m not sure I could drink a full pint.

    We had snow last week. It looked gorgeous for approximately 71 minutes, but then the whole city turned into a giant grey slurpee.

    Laurence, thank you! I’m up to 21 votes now 🙂

  4. She’s thinking “I’ve got a whole whackload of children and grandchildren and NOT ONE OF THEM IS FIT TO RULE THE EMPIRE!!!!”.


    Also – I voted on the first day, I think. Give or take a day or two for my usual lateness.

    Also also – why are you reading this? It’s Christmas Eve. Come to think of it, why am I writing it? It’s even later on Christmas Eve here!

    Happy etc. to you and yours. Hope you got those chores done, and Mr. E Man finished his shopping. 😀

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