Category Archives: grant wrangling

Accelerate the progress of your research by using this one weird old tip!

(Photo and title by Sonja Babovic; used with her permission) Other geeky things that made me laugh recently: Mad science looks pretty similar to normal science As does Lego science  

Posted in grant wrangling, photos, science, silliness | 2 Comments

Things I learned at a funding agency’s “community engagement” session this week

“Your stupid new metrics are irrelevant to my field of research” “It’s not fair that chemists get bigger awards, even though I acknowledge that their research is much more expensive than that of the other fields that fall under your … Continue reading

Posted in career, grant wrangling, science | 8 Comments

Quora: productive procrastination

I’ve recently started to spend some time on the question and answer site Quora, and I’m finding it be quite an effective science communication medium as well as excellent writing practice. I can’t quite remember how I first came to … Continue reading

Posted in cancer research, career, communication, evolution, fun with language, grant wrangling, science, television, the media | 6 Comments

Untangling the wrangling angle

HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  I’ll wait for the 5.5 year retrospective post to see just how much grant writing you *didn’t* get involved in…  Thus spake the prophet Wintle in the year 2012, … Continue reading

Posted in blog buddies, career, grant wrangling, science | 3 Comments

ehCloud: why Canada (and every other country) needs its own cloud computing tools

I recently helped one of our scientists put together an application for an industry-partnered bioinformatics grant. I understand the company in question to be more or less universally recognised as the leader in its field and therefore the obvious partner … Continue reading

Posted in Canada, communication, genomics, grant wrangling, science, technology, the wonders of technology | 15 Comments

“I’ll be the judge of that”

I’ve noticed a recent increase in the number of emails I receive that say things like “this is a polite reminder” or “this is a gentle reminder”. While there’s never anything in the message to contradict the sender’s choice of … Continue reading

Posted in communication, English language, grant wrangling | 7 Comments

The timers they are a-changin’

When my parents were visiting earlier this year, my Mum asked me why I don’t wear a watch any more. “I just use my iPhone”, I explained. “But don’t you miss having a watch?” “No. Strapping a device to your … Continue reading

Posted in career, grant wrangling, personal, science, silliness, technology | 18 Comments

Useful resources for trainees

As part of my new role as the go-to person for everything related to my department’s trainees, I’ve put together a list of resources that I thought some readers might also find useful or interesting. The list is posted at … Continue reading

Posted in career, communication, education, grant wrangling, publishing, science | 4 Comments

What’s in a name?: towards the development of a novel analysis of grant titles

A couple of weeks ago, I blogged about how I’m going to be responsible for helping all trainees in my new department identify, apply for, and manage their awards (comment on my post, you bastards please!). I’ve spent some time … Continue reading

Posted in career, English language, fun with language, grant wrangling, science | 23 Comments

Ask The Blogosphere – how can we help trainees with their studentship & fellowship applications?

I mentioned in a recent post that part of my job is going to involve specialising in something that I’d previously listed as a long-term career goal. As you’ve probably already guessed from this post’s title, I’m now ready (with … Continue reading

Posted in career, education, grant wrangling, science | 13 Comments