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Category Archives: freakishness
Missed opportunity
From my Facebook feed: It should totally be called a beehemoth! Whoever first called it a wasp moth sucks!
Posted in freakishness, nature, photos, silliness
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The Journal of Anthropomorphism
While browsing journal TOCs in my RSS reader earlier today, I realised that I seem to have subconsciously assigned human personalities to some of the journals I read most frequently. For example: Current Biology is an extrovert who enthusiastically dives into … Continue reading
Posted in freakishness, publishing, science, silliness
Trees do the darndest things! (Part III)
STREAKERRRRRR!!!! (sorry, everyone. Again). Part I: British roots / on the fence Part II: Treehuggers
Posted in freakishness, nature, photos, silliness
Weird critters
I’ve found myself favouriting several similar posts from the “Dropping The Science” RSS feed lately, with no clear idea about what I was going to do with them. So here they are, in all their weird and wonderful glory, for … Continue reading
Posted in evolution, freakishness, furry friends, nature, photos
Wonderin’ Underground
Some of the signs I saw while riding the Montreal metro made me wonder just how safe the system is: Beware of gigantic creepy tickle monsters! And also freaky parasitic alien pregnancies! At least they’ve painted the parts of the … Continue reading
Posted in freakishness, photos, silliness, travel
Whaddya mean “that’s not normal?!”
North Yorkshire, circa 1987. A classroom full of nine- and ten-year-olds. An assignment to write a story that involved food. A girl (not the blogger!) standing up at her desk, pulling her knee socks back up before starting to read … Continue reading
Posted in career, communication, education, family, food glorious food, freakishness, grant wrangling, personal, silliness
Never gonna let you down?
I have somehow managed to retain some semblance of a utopian view of science. I don’t mean to say that I’m blind to its flaws or that I’m not at all cynical about it. But I think I’m less cynical … Continue reading
Posted in career, cycling, freakishness, idiocy, personal, science, whining
Things to do in ‘couver when you’re weird
These ads that appeared in my Facebook feed the other day confuse and frighten me: I hadn’t realised that breeding grotesquely oversized kittehs was A Thing in Vancouver… or maybe that’s just what happens when you buy breakthrough peptide-based treatments … Continue reading
Posted in bad people, freakishness, furry friends, medicine, pseudoscience, screenshots, shopping, silliness, Vancouver
The Missing Link
Man, I love Hallowe’en. Apparently I freaked a lot of people out… and some people asked to get their photo taken with me! But the best part was when I ran into a guy dressed as a gorilla and we … Continue reading
Posted in apes, freakishness, furry friends, personal, photos, Primate Party, silliness, Vancouver
On the sauce: reflections.
Mr E Man’s quest to find the best ribs in Vancouver is over: he’s admitted that he’s unlikely to find anywhere that makes them better than Ouisi’s does, and so that’s where we found ourselves when a craving hit him … Continue reading