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Category Archives: snow
In a twist
About ten years ago, a Dutch friend told me one of the most epic “lost in translation” stories I’ve ever heard. I re-told the story many times over the next couple of years, but hadn’t thought about it for a … Continue reading
Posted in communication, English language, silliness, snow
I AM CANADA (and so can you!)
Those of you who share my appreciation of the peak of Western civilisation that is Twitter may have come across a series of accounts that represent a given country, with one citizen of that country taking over the account each … Continue reading
Posted in Canada, current affairs, drunkenness, personal, silliness, snow, sport, technology
Could this be…
…the most useless list of spellcheck suggestions of all time? (I’m sure a tamarind genome sequence is in the works, somewhere…) …the worst possible weather in which to be running around collecting grant signatures from PIs in three different buildings? … Continue reading
Posted in career, drunkenness, English language, idiocy, photos, publishing, science, screenshots, silliness, snow, technology, Vancouver
Zen and the art of locomotive maintenance
I got home yesterday lunchtime after an epic West Coast rail journey from San Diego to Vancouver. I’ve been to La Jolla once every six months or so since July 2009 to meet with collaborators, and every time I’ve gone … Continue reading
Posted in bad people, current affairs, drunkenness, first world problems, food glorious food, idiocy, personal, photos, rants, snow, technology, travel, whining
Bucket List and 2012 Resolutions
Bucket List The plan is to add at least one new item every time I tick one off! Write at least one book (and get it published) Run for political office (and preferably win) Own a boat large enough to … Continue reading
Posted in apes, Canada, career, Climate change, environment, freelancing, furry friends, kayaking, nature, personal, politics, publishing, snow, sport, travel, UK
Normal service will be resumed in March
CIHR grant deadline time is such fun! Especially when half the PIs on the two grants you’re working on are out of the country, in timezones that severely hamper communication, and half of the rest are freaking out because their … Continue reading
Posted in 2010 Olympics, career, drunkenness, idiocy, personal, photos, rants, silliness, snow, Vancouver, whining
What I Did On My Staycation – Part II
Wednesday The heavy rain that greeted me first thing in the morning made me exceedingly glad that I’d braved the windstorm to visit Stanley Park while the sun was still out the day before. However, an hour or two later … Continue reading