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Category Archives: cycling
Book reviews – Knowledge Translation edition
I realised recently that the “everything I used to blog about is now on Twitter or Goodreads instead” trend of recent years means that I never got around to mentioning my new job! After ten years of grant writing and … Continue reading
Posted in blog buddies, book review, career, communication, cycling, Knowledge translation
Our home internet’s down. It went down on Saturday, and came back on for a few hours on Sunday before the blessed “online” light on the modem went off again. It’s done this a few times before, and always switched … Continue reading
Posted in cycling, first world problems, personal, photos, rants, technology, whining
Never gonna let you down?
I have somehow managed to retain some semblance of a utopian view of science. I don’t mean to say that I’m blind to its flaws or that I’m not at all cynical about it. But I think I’m less cynical … Continue reading
Posted in career, cycling, freakishness, idiocy, personal, science, whining
In praise of bike room buddies and other secret societies
“I just found out who you are!” announced my buddy-whose-name-I-don’t-know. “There’s a photo of you on the alumni wall of my lab! You have different hair and a different name, but it’s definitely you!” This conversation took place in the … Continue reading
Posted in career, cycling, personal, publishing
Bridges on the River Fraser: a bike tour of Richmond, New Westminster, Burnaby, and Vancouver
When I was training for the Vancouver-Seattle ride last year, my Sunday training usually involved a really nice loop from my house, over the river into Richmond, along River Road, back over the river to New Westminster, and then back through … Continue reading
Posted in cycling, exercise, photos, Vancouver
Let there be lights!
I’ll take even the smallest of victories in this benighted week… Way back in December 2007, I wrote to the city to request a stop light at a dangerous intersection on my bike route; the Ontario Street bike route crosses … Continue reading
Posted in activism, cycling, politics, Vancouver
Weekend fun: my next tweet
Many, many thanks to Kimli for alerting me to “That Can Be My Next Tweet!“, a tool that creates mash-ups of bits and pieces of your most recent tweets to create much hilarity. My twitter stream is kinda schizophrenic at … Continue reading
Posted in Canada, communication, current affairs, cycling, English language, politics, science, silliness, technology
Lunchtime Linkfest
A quick round-up of what I’ve been reading and listening to! There’s a great article in Current Biology (my all-time favourite journal) this week, titled “Why should biomedical scientists care about biodiversity?”. The authors argue that working on the standard … Continue reading
Posted in current affairs, cycling, environment, music, nature, science, silliness, technology
The lions ate my punctuality
The NIH may be cracking down on “the dog ate my homework” excuses, but luckily other people are more forgiving. I was ever so slightly late for my own meeting this morning, but everyone accepted my proffered excuses. I’m sure … Continue reading
Posted in cycling, photos, Vancouver