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Category Archives: blog roll
Put on a happy face
I recently discovered PubMed Faceoff – an application that assigns something called Chernoff Faces to different publications. Euan Adie on the Nature Network provided the link, and a much better explanation than I’m capable of, so go and check out … Continue reading
Posted in blog buddies, blog roll, publishing, silliness, sport
You can leave your hat on
Does anyone else read PossumMomma’s blog? (aka Atheist in a Minivan). The usual content consists of thoughtful posts about atheist parenting in a world full of theists, and (fully justified) rants about Warren Jeffs. Highly recommended. A recent entry stood … Continue reading
Posted in atheism, blog roll, silliness
New kid on the blog
My friend Kyrsten (of bot fly fame) has finally started her own blog. So head on over to Infinite Science for posts on, well, science, and a cat called Mr Obama. Welcome back to the blogosphere, Kyrsten! Look out, it’s … Continue reading
Posted in blog buddies, blog roll
PZ PredictZ
Following this post on the discrediting of astrology, PZ Myers has started a sideline in fabricated horoscopes. Some of these are priceless, so I’ve collected them here for those of you who don’t read Pharyngula. (But wait! Doesn’t everyone read … Continue reading
Posted in blog roll, silliness
The most fun you’ll have with Excel today
Oh my goodness, are kittens ever fun! Don’t worry, I won’t turn this into a “look at my kitty OMG!!!!!” blog, but they’ll probably crop up every now and then. You know what else is fun? Silly graphs!(via Genomicron). Song … Continue reading
Posted in blog roll, music, silliness, videos
Am I a walking stereotype?
I came across an interesting site recently. It’s called “Stuff White People Like” and, well, it’s a list of things that white people are supposed to all be into. There are several different ways to approach such a list, many … Continue reading
Posted in blog roll, career, cycling, drunkenness, education, environment, personal, science, silliness, snow, sport, Vancouver
Bonus Friday Primate Party
I wasn’t going to do one today, but I saw this at MissPrism’s place and I just had to post it. It might just have made my day (unless I get any news from my 9 month+1 day pregnant friend … Continue reading