Category Archives: freelancing

Bucket List and 2012 Resolutions

Bucket List The plan is to add at least one new item every time I tick one off! Write at least one book (and get it published) Run for political office (and preferably win) Own a boat large enough to … Continue reading

Posted in apes, Canada, career, Climate change, environment, freelancing, furry friends, kayaking, nature, personal, politics, publishing, snow, sport, travel, UK | 24 Comments

Staycation Proclamation!

WHEREAS Cath@VWXYNot?, author of an independent weblog at (“The Blogger”), has somehow managed to use less 2010 vacation time than she thought, and has more unused days remaining than she is allowed to roll over into 2011; and WHEREAS The Blogger … Continue reading

Posted in 2010 Olympics, cycling, food glorious food, freelancing, personal, silliness, Vancouver, whining | 13 Comments

Good week!

In the last 7 days: I found out that I passed my citizenship test, and I have a date for my ceremony! I’ll become a Canadian citizen* on May 29th. This means that I’ll miss out on voting in the … Continue reading

Posted in Canada, career, freelancing, furry friends, personal, photos | 28 Comments