I come from a land down under? Apparently?


I’m not sure I’d trust this app to help me navigate around a foreign country…

About Cath@VWXYNot?

"one of the sillier science bloggers [...] I thought I should give a warning to the more staid members of the community." - Bob O'Hara, December 2010
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11 Responses to I come from a land down under? Apparently?

  1. Bob O'H says:

    Do they indicate well organized places of worship with a church bible? And well organised speleological attractions with a holey bible?

  2. I thought well-organized nightlife was Butlin’s or something ? I must say i think that app looks Canada look truly boring… (sad)

    • Cath@VWXYNot? says:

      Our nightlife, restaurants and shopping aren’t as well organised as, say, Switzerland’s, but they’re up there. The sights, not so much – most of them are more “wild and untamed and full of dangerous animals that would rip your head off as soon as look at you” than “well organised”.

  3. Steve Caplan says:

    That’s GREAT! I’m intrigued to see that my ex-hometown of Winnipeg is not among those 60+ Australian cities showcased in the Canada tour! Not sure what that means, but it must mean something…

  4. Nina says:

    Cool! That means I practically live in Canada. Christchurch, the Vancouver of Canada’s East coast.

  5. “Customer Ratings: We have not received enough ratings to display an average for the current version of this application.”

    Here’s one: on average, your application sucks.

  6. Steve, I think it means that most visitors to Australia aren’t prepared for the Winnipeg climate and should therefore avoid the place

    Nina, close enough!

    Richard, it is tempting to add a review.

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