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Category Archives: idiocy
Red Flags in the Dragons’ Den
It’s a well-known fact that watching certain films and TV shows with a scientist is no fun at all – in fact, it’s almost as bad as trying to watch ER with three medical student flatmates, as I did every … Continue reading
Posted in bad people, genomics, idiocy, rants, science, television, videos
Whining and opining
We (well, mostly Mr E Man) have spent the last couple of weeks booking flights and accommodation for a much-needed vacation in Puerto Rico. We’ve now got everything sorted except the car rental and the last night’s hotel and are … Continue reading
Posted in bad people, family, idiocy, silliness, travel, whining
I come from a land down under? Apparently?
I’m not sure I’d trust this app to help me navigate around a foreign country…
Posted in idiocy, screenshots, silliness, technology, travel
Could this be…
…the most useless list of spellcheck suggestions of all time? (I’m sure a tamarind genome sequence is in the works, somewhere…) …the worst possible weather in which to be running around collecting grant signatures from PIs in three different buildings? … Continue reading
Posted in career, drunkenness, English language, idiocy, photos, publishing, science, screenshots, silliness, snow, technology, Vancouver
Never gonna let you down?
I have somehow managed to retain some semblance of a utopian view of science. I don’t mean to say that I’m blind to its flaws or that I’m not at all cynical about it. But I think I’m less cynical … Continue reading
Posted in career, cycling, freakishness, idiocy, personal, science, whining
Zen and the art of locomotive maintenance
I got home yesterday lunchtime after an epic West Coast rail journey from San Diego to Vancouver. I’ve been to La Jolla once every six months or so since July 2009 to meet with collaborators, and every time I’ve gone … Continue reading
Posted in bad people, current affairs, drunkenness, first world problems, food glorious food, idiocy, personal, photos, rants, snow, technology, travel, whining
Paging Doctor Clueless!
A story from way back in the mists of time… ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A good friend of mine had an absolutely terrible time during her PhD, worse than anyone I know: her two co-supervisors had a fight and stopped talking to each … Continue reading
Posted in career, communication, English language, idiocy, science
Gonna go where the bright lights and the big city meet
No red guitar (on fire*) in sight, though, just this: Two questions: 1) Why does anything need to be taken beyond anyone’s desires? Let alone a toilet, of all things? 2) Just how beautiful does anyone desire a shopping mall … Continue reading