Category Archives: the wonders of technology

Storage space

I found myself waiting alone outside a meeting room at work the other day, while the people in there wrapped up and packed away and the person I was meeting with was fetching a laptop. Looking around me, I noticed … Continue reading

Posted in photos, technology, the wonders of technology | 14 Comments


Those of you who’ve read some of my recent posts, or who follow me on Twitter, might have noticed that many of the photos I post are now circular. No-one? Really? Anyway… this is because for the last few months … Continue reading

Posted in photos, screenshots, technology, the wonders of technology, Vancouver | 10 Comments

ehCloud: why Canada (and every other country) needs its own cloud computing tools

I recently helped one of our scientists put together an application for an industry-partnered bioinformatics grant. I understand the company in question to be more or less universally recognised as the leader in its field and therefore the obvious partner … Continue reading

Posted in Canada, communication, genomics, grant wrangling, science, technology, the wonders of technology | 15 Comments

Book reviews: down memoir lane

I don’t usually read many non-fiction books, but I happened to read three in a row over the last few months. Funny how that happens… ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The first was Glass Castle: a Memoir, by Jeannette Walls. I actually bought this book … Continue reading

Posted in blog buddies, book review, current affairs, shopping, technology, the wonders of technology | 14 Comments

The medium is the message

I saw the most amazing TED talk the other day, about Nikola Tesla. Now, we all know that Tesla was a fascinating, awesome dude (especially as played by David Bowie IMHO), but in the case of this video it was the … Continue reading

Posted in communication, embarrassing fan girl, science, technology, the wonders of technology, videos | 2 Comments

There should be an APP for that!

(where APP = Automatic PDF Pusher) I have five browser tabs open to article abstracts, from four different journals. All five articles are currently published as provisional PDFs. All look interesting and/or relevant to my work, but don’t quite tip … Continue reading

Posted in publishing, science, technology, the wonders of technology | 14 Comments


Well, I’m well and truly converted: I’ve had a MacBook at home for over a year now, and just got a MacBook Pro for work. Woo hoo! I still do most of my day-to-day work on a PC – the … Continue reading

Posted in silliness, the wonders of technology | 26 Comments

I am not cut out for a tech support career

This morning, before work: Dad: “Do you have [cousin’s] email address? I just got an email about cheap train fares that I want to forward to her” Me: “It’s in my Gmail. I don’t know it off by heart, because … Continue reading

Posted in silliness, the wonders of technology | 8 Comments

Is this creepy, or is it just me?

The concept of complete strangers “following” me on Twitter took a bit of getting used to. But now that I’m a few months in, it takes something a wee bit out of the ordinary to activate that “STALKER!!1!” response. Hmmm…

Posted in silliness, the wonders of technology | 5 Comments

A better mousetrap? There’s an app for that

The first computer game I ever loved was Mousetrap. On rainy days, my sister and I would spend hours playing this game on our Atari computer, and not much less time loading it from a cassette, holding our breath to … Continue reading

Posted in silliness, the wonders of technology | Tagged | 6 Comments