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Category Archives: fund raising
RBO Cycling
I’ve commuted by bicycle almost every day since I started my PhD in 1998. That’s a lot of kilometres, a lot of near accidents, a lot of hills, and a LOT of rain (we’re talking Glasgow and Vancouver here, two … Continue reading
Posted in cycling, drunkenness, education, environment, exercise, fund raising, personal, politics, rants, Vancouver, whining
Making a difference
Hey, remember my colleague* who did the fundraising bike ride to Seattle with me and was the star of my video? (Here’s the video again) Well, he’s all over the news this week thanks to his two very, very interesting … Continue reading
Posted in fund raising, medicine, original research, science
Springing back
I’m getting my hair cut tomorrow! Really exciting news, eh? Well, it is to me! I haven’t had a hair cut for months, because I just haven’t had the time. Literally every weekend since the beginning of the Olympics has … Continue reading
Posted in cycling, family, fund raising, kayaking, music, personal, shopping
Steepness in Seattle
Treebeard was wrong: going South does NOT feel like going downhill. (Well, except for the bits that actually were downhill. But some of those bits were really hard, too). But let’s start at the beginning… (BTW this is a really … Continue reading
Posted in blog buddies, camping, cycling, drunkenness, exercise, family, fund raising, personal, science, TMI, travel, videos
I did it!
I got sunburned, soaked to the skin, and (probably) shot at, but I did it! And I wasn’t last to finish! Not even close to last! I have early meetings and late work dinners this week, but I’ll try to … Continue reading
Posted in cycling, exercise, fund raising, personal
"How much have YOU done?"
The Ride to Conquer Cancer is now just a few days away! At some ungodly time on Saturday morning I will be off and pedalling on the first of two consecutive 130 km days! Erm, yay? The last few weeks … Continue reading
Posted in cycling, education, exercise, fund raising, personal
Potentially horribly inappropriate blog post
I’ve never seen this done before on any of the blogs I read, so apologies if this is a big faux pas! I know I’ve said that I don’t usually try to raise money for the charity that pays my … Continue reading
Posted in fund raising, personal
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