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Category Archives: the media
Quora: productive procrastination
I’ve recently started to spend some time on the question and answer site Quora, and I’m finding it be quite an effective science communication medium as well as excellent writing practice. I can’t quite remember how I first came to … Continue reading
Scooped – why I have a hard time getting on board with Open Science
Well, now that all the excitement‘s dying down (for now), I finally find myself with enough time and motivation to start writing a follow-up post to the inaugural Science Online Vancouver event, which I attended on a very rainy Thursday … Continue reading
Posted in career, communication, evolution, original research, personal, publishing, science, the media, Vancouver
Cost to benefit ratios
From today’s RSS feeds: 1) Alilain WJ, Horn KP, Hu H, Dick TE, Silver J: “Functional regeneration of respiratory pathways after spinal cord injury“. Nature 2011: 475: 196-200 (This article also showed up in my BBC science feed, with the … Continue reading
Posted in current affairs, medicine, original research, science, the media
In teh Grauniad
When I was about 15, our local paper ran a special schools edition. They approached English teachers around the city, asking them to contribute pieces written by local students, and my teacher picked an essay I’d written. The essay was … Continue reading
Posted in blog buddies, education, family, original research, personal, publishing, science, the media, UK
The scope of horoscope horror
My friendly local morning news team are discussing horoscopes today. This is, unfortunately, nothing new; I had to change the channel on New Year’s Day because their guest astrologer was doing my head in with her “Scorpios will come into … Continue reading
Posted in career, current affairs, drunkenness, family, idiocy, personal, pseudoscience, rants, television, the media
Now that’s an odd name for a dog.
Weird that they didn’t give the photographer’s name, eh? (Awesome photo, though, that is in danger of making this Yorkshire lass feel homesick. Check out the series – there are some stunning shots included in the slide show).
Beeb Boob
Oh dear, BBC. Oh dear. (Thought I’d better get this up before someone notices and corrects the images!)
Posted in photos, silliness, sport, the media
Book Reviews: the good science, the bad science, and the ugly
Inspired by Science Bear’s epic book review post, here are three very overdue book reviews of my own! The Good Science Dry Store Room No.1: The Secret Life of the Natural History Museum, by Richard Fortey. I first visited the … Continue reading
Posted in bad people, book review, communication, medicine, nature, pseudoscience, science, the media
Yeah, baby!
In a recent comment on Expression Patterns, I complained about the poor quality of Vancouver’s newspapers, and especially their obsession with putting the Canucks on the front page come hell global pandemic or high water. At the risk of being … Continue reading
Posted in sport, the media, Vancouver