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- Brief Book Review: Lessons in Chemistry–a novel by Bonnie Garmus
- Persistence: the essence of science in a nutshell
- It’s out! Today’s Curiosity is Tomorrow’s Cure
- Corner Office
- Introducing Golgi, the Labrador Retriever
- Today’s Curiosity is Tomorrow’s Cure: The Case for Basic Biomedical Research
- A wonderful life
- A perfect experiment and the poop factor
- In the shadow of the great narcissist
- Preliminary lessons from a global pandemic
- The Coronaviral lie detector
- Does it pass the smell-test? Review of “The DNA of you and me”
- The changing face of science
- Important Takeaways from “The Discovery of Insulin” for Today’s Scientists
- Lost and Wanted—A review of a new LabLit novel
- The Renaissance and Preformation
- Life lessons learned–from others’ mistakes…
- How far should students go in striving for professionalism?
- How *NOT* to deliver a seminar
- Reinventing the Wheel
- Henry Gee on Brief Book Review: Lessons in Chemistry–a novel by Bonnie Garmus
- Steve Caplan on Introducing Golgi, the Labrador Retriever
- Steve Caplan on Introducing Golgi, the Labrador Retriever
- Henry on Introducing Golgi, the Labrador Retriever
- Henry on A wonderful life
- Steve Caplan on Important Takeaways from “The Discovery of Insulin” for Today’s Scientists
- Elizabeth Bliss on Important Takeaways from “The Discovery of Insulin” for Today’s Scientists
- Laurence Cox on The Renaissance and Preformation
- steve on How *NOT* to deliver a seminar
- Steve on How *NOT* to deliver a seminar
- Richard Wintle on How *NOT* to deliver a seminar
- Laurence Cox on How *NOT* to deliver a seminar
- Jennifer Rohn on UGG: The Undergraduate Guide for Graduate School
- Jake Bryan on The best experiment
- Vivien Dwyer on Another school shooting–will anything change?
- A Caplan on A danger to science and so much more
- Fed up on Diversity skips African Americans in science
- Steve Caplan on Even a blind squirrel sometimes finds a nut—or does he?!
- Laurence Cox on Even a blind squirrel sometimes finds a nut—or does he?!
- Laurence Cox on Even a blind squirrel sometimes finds a nut—or does he?!
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- Our serial continues: 'The institute' by Richard P. Grant July 23, 2020Part 7 of 'Momentary Lapse of Reason' by Richard P. Grant
- The Magnafan by Luke and Declan July 4, 2020Our Young Authors series continues!
- You can run but you can't hide: The Ghost of Cells Past, Part 4 June 7, 2020Our 4-part story by Deborah Flusberg concludes!
- Scoops and retractions: our serial 'Momentary Lapse' continues! May 24, 2020Part 6 of 'Momentary Lapse of Reason' by Richard P. Grant
- He is obsessed with her, but can he escape?... our latest serial continues April 7, 2020The ghost of cells past, by Deborah Flusberg
- Our serial continues: 'The institute' by Richard P. Grant July 23, 2020
e-mail me at: scaplan[at]unmc.eduSteve on Twitter
Follow me on TWITTER: @caplansteveSee my personal website and reviews of my first novel, “Matter Over Mind”
http://www.stevecaplan.netSteve’s science website
Tag Archives: scientists
The Coronaviral lie detector
Coronavirus cover from the Journal of Biological Chemistry’s virtual issues. Back in Oct. 2019, the Washington Post’s Glenn Kessler had counted 13,435 lies or false claims by President Donald Trump. They came in all shapes and sizes, large and small, … Continue reading
Posted in research, science
Tagged Coronavirus, lies, scientists
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Balancing science and the need to be politically active
Many fine articles have been written on the need for scientists to find the right “work-life balance.” Most of the time, the meaning of a work-life balance is equated with identifying a healthy balance between the need to dedicate significant … Continue reading
Posted in science
Tagged assassination, elections, murder, nationalism, racism, scientists, Trump, white supremacist, work-life balance
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Even scientists have birthdays
What do you get for a scientist who has everything? Except, perhaps, all the grants and papers he wants….
Posted in humor, Reviews, science
Tagged Birthdays, grants, manuscripts, peer review, research, scientists
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Run with Science, Dr. Julia Biggins!
Dr. Julia Biggins, Democratic candidate for Representative of Virginia’s 10th District One of the few positive outcomes of the Trump presidency, is that some people have become so fed up with the quality of those in elected office, that they … Continue reading
Posted in research, science
Tagged 2018 midterm elections, anti-science, CDC, Dr. Julia Biggins, EPA, evidence-based, no puppet, Pruitt, science, science-based, scientists, stable genius, truth, Virginia 10th District, war-on-science, war-on-truth
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The March for Science: Can and should politics be absent?
Since the crowning of the current US administration, the scientific community in the US has not only been reeling from the proposed cuts to almost every type of scientific research in this country, but also from the quandary of what … Continue reading
Posted in Education, research, science
Tagged #MarchforScience, March for Science, Occam, science, scientists, truth, US
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Unconscious gender bias? What do I picture when I think of a scientist?
Recent years have seen a lot of discussion on the blogosphere on gender bias in science. There is no question that awareness is always the first step in heading for a solution. Do I have an unconscious bias against women … Continue reading
Posted in Education, research, science
Tagged arts, conscious bias, female, feminism, gender bias, gender equality, identity, liberal arts, male, minorities, Ph.D., PI, science, scientist, scientists, unconscious bias, women in science
It’s time to take responsibility – why the editor of The Lancet should resign
There are a lot of people, governments, and organizations who need to step up and take responsibility. But in this piece about taking responsibility, I call on Richard Horton, editor-in-chief of The Lancet, the UK’s premier medical journal, to apologize … Continue reading
Posted in academic boycott, research, science
Tagged "open letter to the people of Gaza, 9-11, deceit, doctors, editor, Gaza, Hamas, Interpal, Israel, Lancet Declaration of Interests Policy, lies, Manduca, Palestine, political agenda, RESIGN!, Richard Horton, scientists, terror, terrorist, The Lancet
Scientists: the same old villains and nerds
Villains and nerds – that’s what scientists are, if you believe the media. At least the “big screen.” Finding myself in a state of near exhaustion this past month, I’ve taken the opportunity to watch a few films on ‘Netflix.’ … Continue reading
Posted in research, science
Tagged films, geeks, lab lit, media, movies, nerds, public awareness, science, scientists, villains
Has a career in science become a dog’s life?
Ginger, after retrieving a gazillion tennis balls on a beautiful Sunday morning. “A dog’s life?” Certainly a misnomer if I’ve ever heard one; at least for this dog, life is good. Adopted by a loving family, huge walks walks and … Continue reading
And I thought scientists were smart…
I don’t get it. Really. I just don’t understand. Early this morning, when the first of the 90-odd emails bounced into my inbox, I looked again with disbelief. Yes. Sorry. It’s OMICS again… Here it is: Dear Dr. Caplan, You … Continue reading